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Monday, September 27, 2010

Sick Days

 Today, the entire house is sick minus the cats. Boo and Michelle have loads of energy. Gaston is gone at school and all Elskie and I feel like doing is sleeping. We are out of saltines and 7-up. And Juice. And pretty much anything else anyone would need to nurse themselves back to health. I took a bath earlier and practically had to crawl from the bathtub to my bed. I feel so weak. I called Michelle's father because he had left his toothbrush in Michelle's overnight bag. I asked him since he had to come here to retrieve his toothbrush is he'd mind taking me to the store to get some things we needed. He started telling me he didn't think he could because he had to meet a friend to get his books for the term and talk about a study schedule. And that he had to be to work by 3:00 or 3:30. He tried saying that it would take him 40 minutes to get here when in fact, it takes fifteen to get here from PSU. I don't know why it still comes to a surprise to me that his friends and school will always come before Michelle. I don't mind it coming before me anymore. Hell, I'm filing the paperwork for the divorce this week. However, it seriously bothers me that anything comes before his daughter. When he started working at the bookstore they told him that it was a flexible schedule. Besides, it is one's right under the law to miss work when you have a sick kid. I'm sure that Rodney would understand if he was a few minutes late because he had to go to the store. But once again he doesn't have his priorities strait. His priorities will never revolve around his little girl. It will always revolve around his work and social life rather than where it matters most. Michelle constantly tells me whenever I tell her she's going with Kyle that she doesn't want to see him. With the way he treats her, I can't say I blame her.
 In other news, my best friend -whom I'll call Sarin- had a horrible tragedy happen in her family this weekend. Her brother killed himself. I don't know exactly all of the details yet. She had to ID her brother. Sarin thinks that he offed himself because their grandmother who raised them died and he just couldn't handle the grief.
Her and I are trying to make plans to go out together. She told me that if Kyle doesn't follow through with taking me to the store that she may be able to swing by later. Yay. Anyways, I think I am going to try to pick all of this tissue up. I must have used a whole roll last night just on my nose.

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