Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, March 12, 2010

Tomorrow I have my Labor Doula workshop. I'm really excited about it. Kyle has been getting on my nerves all morning. All he cares about is Michelle not damaging something it seems. He wont even really let her be a little kid and explore. Nor does he really spend quality time with her. It's depressing. He spends too much time on the internet. Sometimes I wish we didn't have internet at all but I know I need it for school. He'd find another excuse to not spend time with her I think. He needs to grow up and accept responsibility. He doesn't even remember to pay the bills. I can't wait until we cancel the home phone and tv completely. We never watch it. If I couls feasably do it, I'd cancel the internet too. But he'd just play video games instead. I hate how lazy he is. But this is nothing new so I am not going to waste my time complaining about it. He used to be so much more fun before we had Michelle. He was a lot kinder also. It's a pitty how kids make a persons true colors show sometimes. If I were telling this to my mother in-law she would do what she always does. Make up excuses for him. She seems to have a way for that. For making up excuses for anyone she actually gives a shit about in fact. I will be relieved when Kyle leaves for the weekend. I need a break from him and his attitude. I'm tired of him treating Michelle as something that has to be constantly controlled. That's not what raising a person is all about. You have to nurture them and show them love and teach them lessons without YELLING at them constantly telling them to quit being a bad kid. That's just horrible parrenting. I don't get him. I don't agree with his parenting style. He needs to fix his way of thinking because I'm not raising our daughter the way he has been. It shatters her self confidence and makes her too nervous to try new things. If he was raised that way I see why he has no balls nor self confidence. I don't want to raise a child that way.  I WILL NOT. Anyways, I'm just waiting for him to get back from the store with my books and some food before I get a weekend to concentrate in peace for finals and my workshop this weekend.

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